The Mind likes to create duality. And the most prominent way for The Mind is to create doubt in you. Doubt gives birth to disbelief, lack of faith, and resistance, which leads to dislike and makes you indifferent. That very relationship which you loved the most, now brings you anger, hatred, and creates a sense of separation in you.
All this happens when you start doubting. In doubt you resist the reality of the “what is.”But, with intense awareness, you will know the roots of it. It can be insecurity, lack of acceptance, lack of love, lack of trust, jealousy, or just a craving to become like the other, which creates doubt in the mind.
Remember, a person in doubt, is not doubting the other, but has doubts on his own self.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and meditate and first discover this truth. Once you see and stay with this truth, you will see how this truth transforms you and your broken relationships are healed and all things fall into place.
–Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavad
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