Many times when people come into therapy they are struggling with relationship problems. They are having difficulties with their loved ones and feel disconnected and in conflict.
These are some of the relationship errors that distance and separate us from the people that we love.
- Creating our own standard of right and wrong expecting everyone else to conform to it.
- Measuring the enjoyment of others by our own experiences.
- Expecting uniformity of opinion in the world.
- Worrying about things that cannot be changed.
- Looking for judgment and experience in children.
- Fighting for trivial things.
- Looking for perfection in our own actions.
- Not to allow for the weakness of others.
- Considering as impossible what we ourselves cannot perform.
- Believing only what our finite minds can grasp.
- Measuring people by some outside quality, when what is inside is what matters.
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you”
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