Every New Year, on December 31, in my family we have a tradition to end the year making an intention board. All year long I collect images and save them for this special day. I bring 12 x 12 cardstock paper, scissors, glue and all the images I have collected throughout the year. I open the boxes with hundred of images and everyone chooses as many as they want to put on their collage. It is a fun tradition that sets the year of by taking some time to think about what we want to have next year manifested in our lives.
Taking time in our lives to think and make an intention is invoking in a conscious way that which we want to manifest in our lives. We spend so much time thinking about the things that are not working for us, or the heartaches we have that we need to find fun, creative ways to bring positive intentions back into our life. Make time this New Year to create an intention board by yourself or with your family. Have fun and start the year with creativity and imagination.
Remember that images are the language of our soul and images are the core of our thoughts.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Lao Tzu
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