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One of the most important disciplines we can develop is the one connected to gratitude. Developing any type of discipline requires us to do something everyday until it becomes a habit, something that is part of our lives, which we do effortlessly. Developing a discipline of gratitude is very easy and we can be creative as to how we will incorporate this into our lives.
Making time to think about what we are grateful in our lives, in our day is a form of meditation that exercises the parts of our brain that are in charge of feeling connected with others, having more empathetic, being optimistic, and brings us a sense of peace and tranquility. Yes! Thinking about gratitude is a type of meditation.
How can we incorporate gratitude into our lives?
Get a journal and label it “My Gratitude Journal” write in it three things you are grateful for before you go to bed every night. Add images that symbolize those things that you are grateful for that day. Make it fun and be creative.
Make a gratefulness jar. This is a fun family project. Decorate it and every day when your family is together, take time to write what you are grateful for that day and add it to the family gratefulness jar.
Post something on Facebook or any other social media and challenge your friends to write one thing they are grateful for one month. This is a great way to raise collective conscience and reading about what other people are grateful helps us look at what we have in our lives as well.
Let me know how you are incorporating gratitude in you life!
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