In the movie Bridget Jones Diary there is a scene where the main character, Bridget, is told that she is loved just the way she is. I love this part of the movie as it reminds me of the inner struggle most of us have when it comes to loving ourselves just the way we […]
What do we do with our feelings?
Anytime that we experience something traumatic such as a break up, or losing our job, or fighting with our partners, we might feel emotionally deregulated and unable to do our daily routine. We jump into an emotional rollercoaster where we might have moments of sadness, fear, anger and maybe some clarity, but most importantly an […]
3 things you can do every day to reduce stress
A lot of times people ask me how I am able to do what I do and not be stressed about working with people who are sharing their life with me all day long. Apart from loving what I do and feeling so honored to witness the growth of the people that I work with […]
Many of us have trouble with trust as it relates to relationships. Some of us have experienced trust as an all or nothing kind of thing. I either trust you completely or not at all. Some of us believe that certain relationships need to include trust regardless of our experience within the relationship. Many of […]
Relationships Errors to Avoid
Many times when people come into therapy they are struggling with relationship problems. They are having difficulties with their loved ones and feel disconnected and in conflict. These are some of the relationship errors that distance and separate us from the people that we love. Creating our own standard of right and wrong expecting everyone […]
The Road to Inner Transformation
What do you get when you combine the following? Ancient Spiritual Teachings + Energy Healing + Amazing Company = Inner Transformation Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world so by taking care of our inner world we transform our lives. This transformation affects our relationships with others, our capacity to attract and […]
What is the practice of living an authentic life?
For me, living an authentic life is living a life when we are present in our lives. What I mean by being present is being able to experience rather than think, thinking about what is happening, what will happen next, or trying to understand why something happened or is happening. The thinking part of our […]
What is the Oneness Deeksha?
The Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) is a major leap in humanity’s spiritual journey, for it directly affects the neurobiology of the brain and results in a direct experience of the higher consciousness. Since the phenomenon is primarily experiential in nature, it never narrows down to embracing a particular belief system or tradition. Hence, people of practically […]
The Duality of the Mind
The Mind likes to create duality. And the most prominent way for The Mind is to create doubt in you. Doubt gives birth to disbelief, lack of faith, and resistance, which leads to dislike and makes you indifferent. That very relationship which you loved the most, now brings you anger, hatred, and creates a sense […]
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
A lot people are looking for psychotherapists that are trained and have experience with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT teaches people to recognize and identify their thoughts in order for them to be able to see the impact that thoughts have on their feelings and behaviors. I believe that the foundation of understanding our behaviors […]